District Snapshot
Strain-Japan District Snapshot
The area served by the District encompasses 43.3 square miles and includes a population of approximately 1,025 people. The median age of the residents is 41.8 years. Of that population, 53% are males and 96% are white. The average income per capita is $30,669, and the median household income is $74,219. It is reported that 14.6% of the residents live below the poverty limit. The average resident travels 39.3 minutes to work. Sixty-five percent of the residents are married. The median value of owner-occupied homes is $173,600. For education, 89% have a high school diploma or higher, and 17% have a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
The Strain-Japan R-XVI School District was organized on-site in 1956. The district served kindergarten to 8th grade students until February 2023, when it opened its first district-run preschool.

The district's PK-8 enrollment continues to grow from a low point several years ago. Nearly 25% of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Our resident students can choose to attend any high school in the county. We currently have students at Sullivan, Owensville, and Cuba High School. Our district pays tuition for our resident students to attend those high schools, and we must provide transportation to one high school of our choosing, Sullivan High School.